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Psikoloji Bölümü

Grad Students Comments

"Whatever I say, it will be an incomplete evaluation, I am glad that Adnan Menderes University-Department of Psychology. We are becoming a growing family day by day and being raised there makes people proud. Briefly speaking, their greatest goal is to be a well-equipped colleague who adheres to and embraces ethical principles. They have made us feel that they will always be with us whenever we need them both in our student life and in our professional life. They were teachers who emphasized that we could reach at any time if we needed them, and who worked diligently as if raising a baby. In this deparment, they taught not only how to be a psychologist but how to be a good psychologist. First of all, they instilled the value of ethical principles and our compliance with them. look at it They allowed us to look from a eclectic and critical perspective. Thanks to each one for everything. "Kader Bozkurt (2019 graduate)